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A Companion to World History (Wiley Blackwell Companions to World History)

A Companion to World History (Wiley Blackwell Companions to World History)

A Companion to World History presents over 30 essays from an international group of historians that both identify continuing areas of contention, disagreement, and divergence in world and global history, and point to directions for further debate.

Features a diverse cast of contributors that include established world historians and emerging scholars 

Explores a wide range of topics and themes, including and the practice of world history, key ideas of world historians, the teaching of world history and how it has drawn upon and challenged "traditional" teaching approaches, and global approaches to writing world history

Places an emphasis on non-Anglophone approaches to the topic

Considers issues of both scholarship and pedagogy on a transnational, interregional, and world/global scale

INTRODUCTION - The Challenge of World History

PART I: Trajectories and Practices

Chapter 1: World History

Chapter 2: Why and How I Became a World Historian

Researching the world: techniques and methods

Chapter 3: Becoming a World Historian

Chapter 4: The World Is Your Archive?

Chapter 5: What Are the Units of World History?

Teaching the world: publics and pedagogies

Chapter 6: Meetings of World History and Public History

Chapter 7: Challenges of Teaching and Learning World History

Chapter 8: Teaching World History at the College Level

PART II: Categories and Concepts


Chapter 9: Environments, Ecologies, and Cultures across Space and Time

Chapter 10: Deep Pasts

Chapter 11: Big History

Chapter 12: Global Scale Analysis in Human History

Chapter 13: Region in Global History

Chapter 14: Scales of a Local


Chapter 15: Comparative History and the Challenge of the Grand Narrative

Chapter 16: The Science of Difference

Chapter 17: Projecting Power

Chapter 18: The Body in/as World History

Chapter 19: Benchmarks of Globalization


Chapter 20: Networks, Interactions, and Connective History

Chapter 21: Objects in Motion

Chapter 22: People in Motion

Chapter 23: Religious Ideas in Motion

Chapter 24: Diseases in Motion

Chapter 25: Bullets in Motion

PART III: Many Globes

Chapter 26: The World from Oceania

Chapter 27: The World from China

Chapter 28: Historicizing the World in Northeast Asia

Chapter 29: Writing Global History in Africa

Chapter 30: Islamicate World Histories?

Chapter 31: The World from Latin America and the Peripheries

Chapter 32: (Re)Writing World Histories in Europe

Chapter 33: Other Globes


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