Appendix 2: Timeline of George Washington


22 February: George Washington born


12 April: Augustine Washington, George’s father, dies


Makes trip to the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, to assist in surveying the estate of Thomas, Lord Fairfax


Receives a surveyor’s commission from William and Mary College. Appointed surveyor of Culpeper County, Virginia


28 September: Accompanies his half-brother, Lawrence, in his trip to Barbados in search of better health


26 July: Lawrence Washington returns from Barbados and dies at Mount Vernon

6 November: George appointed as district adjutant general of the Virginia Militia with the rank of major

December: George inherits Mount Vernon


13 October: Chosen to carry Governor Dinwiddie’s expostulatory letter to Le Gardeur de St Pierre, French commander at Fort Le Boeuf


16 January: Returns with the French reply and the Governor had Washington’s journal printed and widely distributed

15 March: Washington made lieutenant colonel of the Virginia regiment

2 April: Begins the march to complete the fort at the forks of the Ohio River (Pittsburgh)

28 May: First battle with French detachment under the command of Joseph Coulon de Villiers de Jumonville marking the beginning of the French and Indian War. Jumonville killed

3 July: Surrenders to a French detachment at Fort Necessity


23 April: Left Mount Vernon to join General Braddock’s forces marching west to expel the French

9 July: Braddock mortally wounded and his army defeated; Washington instrumental in the withdrawal of the surviving troops

4 August: Made colonel and commander-in-chief of the Virginia forces for the protection of the frontier


24 July: Elected burgess for Frederick County, Virginia

December: Resigns his commission and retired from the army


6 January: Marries Martha Dandridge Custis

May: Takes up residency at Mount Vernon


16 July: First of several elections as burgess for Fairfax County, Virginia


18 May: Joins other burgesses in signing the Non-Importation Agreement


24 May: The Burgesses appointed a day of fasting due to the Intolerable Acts in Boston, and discussed calling an intercolonial congress

5 September – 26 October: Attends the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


15 June: While attending the Second Continental Congress, Washington is elected Commander-in-Chief of the Army of the United States

3 July: Takes command of the Continental forces besieging Boston


4 March: Fortifies Dorchester Heights, which forced the British to evacuate Boston

4 July: The Declaration of Independence is adopted by the Continental Congress which announced that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as independent States, and no longer a part of the British Empire

27 August: Battle of Long Island; Americans defeated

28 October: Battle of White Plains and American retreat

16 November: Surrender of Fort Washington to the British

8 December: Washington crosses the Delaware River into Pennsylvania

25–26 December: On Christmas night, Washington crosses the Delaware River and surprised the British (Hessians) and secures the victory of Trenton


11 September: Battle of Brandywine; Americans forced to retreat

17 October: Surrender of Burgoyne’s army at Saratoga, New York to General Gates

19 December: Washington establishes winter camp at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania


6 May: Washington announces the French alliance to the army

28 June: Battler of Monmouth where Washington turns a retreat into a victory by personally leading his troops into battle


28 September: The siege of Yorktown, Virginia begins

19 October: Cornwallis surrenders his whole army, marking the last major military conflict of the Revolution


22 May: Washington emphatically rejects a proposal of kingship


3 September: Treaty of Paris signed acknowledging the United States to be free, sovereign and independent

23 December: Washington resigns his commission as Commander-in-Chief to Congress


25 May: The Constitutional Convention meets in Philadelphia; Washington elected president

17 September: The draft of the Constitution signed and the convention adjourned


4 February: Electoral vote for the first President of the United States showed Washington the unanimous choice

30 April: Washington inaugurated as President of the United States


16 July: Washington signs the Residence act to create the permanent Federal Capital on the Potomac River (now Washington DC)


5 December: Washington elected to a second term


2 April: Washington issues the Proclamation of Neutrality which set the tone of American foreign policy for the next 100 years

18 September: Washington lays the cornerstone of the Capitol building


2 September: Washington calls out the militia of several States to put down the Whiskey Rebellion

September–October: Troops sent over Appalachian Mountains to Pittsburgh; Whiskey rebellion ends without conflict


18 August: John Jay’s Treaty ratified


17 September: Washington refuses to consider a third term and issues his farewell address


4 March: Washington attends the inauguration of John Adams

9–15 March: Ex-President Washington journeys to his home at Mount Vernon and resumes the life of an active farmer


12 December: Washington makes a circuit of his farms, where he catches a severe cold and develops an infection of the epiglottis

14 December: George Washington dies at Mount Vernon some time between 10.00 and 11.00 in the evening


22 May: Death of Martha Washington

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